Eco Green Facts

Solar Power is Beneficial to Everyone
You don’t have to be an environmentalist to understand the value of clean renewable energy from the sun. Solar energy is a form of energy that pays for itself time and again. This is something you cannot say about fossil and other earth based fuels. Even though setting up a solar energy system represents an out of pocket expense initially, when you use solar energy, your fuel bills will decrease, and you may even be able to sell some energy back to the power grid. Read on to learn more about the many benefits of solar energy.
Solar energy is environmentally friendly. There is no drilling, mountaintop removal, operation of heavy machinery, or pollution of any kind associated with solar energy – not even noise pollution! No one owns the sun, and with just a little bit of engineering and ingenuity you can take great advantage of this free source of energy.
Aside from saving money, you may also benefit financially due to government incentives for using solar energy. Government rebates for solar installation are often as much as 30 percent. Contact your local representatives to find out about this.
Some solar energy systems produce so much power that their meters run backwards and homeowners are able to sell electricity back to the power company. This is a far cry from purchasing power from your electric company – a situation in which you subsidize a major corporation on an ongoing basis throughout your life without ever making a penny. Find out more by contacting your power company.
You can count on solar panels because they’re very simply constructed. They require little, if any, maintenance because there is nothing to break. There is no wear and tear. When you choose solar energy, you will not have to worry about power outages. Because you are not dependent upon a centralized source of energy, you can store your own energy. When your neighbor’s lights go out, yours will still be burning brightly.
Solar energy is accessible to everyone. From simply making use of passive solar to purchasing individual solar items to installing a several thousand dollar solar system, people of all means can benefit from the use of solar power.
Solar powered items available on the market become more and more plentiful by the day. If you aren’t ready to install a complete solar system in your home yet, you can begin collecting individual solar items such as lighting, radios, heaters, flashlights, vehicle ventilators, calculators, mosquito inhibitors, outdoor lighting, pool purifiers, fountain pumps and more.
You will pay less to have new electrical items installed in your home because many solar powered items do not require wiring. This is especially true of ornamental items such as solar garden lights, solar fountains and so on. It is also true of some security items such as solar powered security lights. Just purchase the item in the store, bring it home, take it out of the box and install it. Maintenance is minimal or nonexistent. No electrician required!
While we’re constantly agonized by the possibility of running out of fossil fuel and coal and other forms of energy that cause the destruction of the earth upon which we live, we will never have to worry about that with the sun. It is a limitless source of clean renewable energy.
You can go off the grid! While it is possible to stay hooked up to the grid and sell power back to the power grid, solar power also gives you the option and the freedom of setting up your home somewhere far off the grid. This means that you can take advantage of lower prices on remote, private unspoiled properties.
Solar technology just gets better and better and becomes more and more affordable as the years pass. Every year, 50 percent more people decide to switch to solar to save money and save the planet! Don’t get left behind! With the knowledge you have gained from this article, you can feel confident about making the switch to solar.