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It’s a fact, I have suffered from Psoriasis since 1989 when my Mum died. I developed Psoriasis due to the stress of the three years prior to her death, when my Mum was struggling with a rare type of cancer and had undergone radical surgery, chemotherapy and radium treatment. Unfortunately my beautiful Mum did not survive and I guess the legacy of that really difficult time is the fact that I have chronic Psoriasis. I have tried literally hundreds and hundreds of products, had Puva treatment and Radio-therapy. Puva treatment is the most beneficial for me but it is a treatment that can only be done in small doses. Usually within a month of stopping the treatment the Psoriasis comes back with a vengeance.

I constantly search for products that can give me relief from the constant itching and help heal the lesions and plaques that cover my body and limbs. Even though I have Psoriasis in my hair, ears and other private parts, I am extremely lucky that I do not develop Psoriasis on my face. Also, though I have severe Psoriasis on my elbows and wrist, I don’t usually get it elsewhere on my arms. My biggest problem is on my legs, back and stomach. I have patches almost 30cm (1 foot) in diameter over my legs and it feels like I have only one layer of skin over these parts.

When I came across Healing Natural Oils “Heal Psoriasis” oil I guess I was a bit sceptical but am pleased to report that it has actually helped improve the Psoriasis in some areas. I have only been using “Heal Psoriasis” oil for three months but can see some results already. My skin feels softer and I am developing less scaly lesions or plaques.

Click on the box to purchase this product. I believe, as it has done for me, it will help ease the discomfort and itching of your Psoriasis.

Psoriasis Treatment

Please take the time to read the information below as it is extremely important to understand Psoriasis.

This skin disease has red patches that look like scales.  They are sometimes referred to as lesions or plaques and can appear anywhere on the body including the fingers, the elbows, the knees, the nails, the scalp and the genitalia.  If you have been diagnosed with psoriasis, you can help treat psoriasis by:

  • Taking short lukewarm showers or baking soda baths with no synthetic or aggressive soaps which can contain harsh ingredients or detergents.  Rather use Vegetal, Glycerin or Psorinol Scalp & Body Wash or “soaps” with a cucumber, algae or Aloe Vera base with no scrubbing as this can irritate the skin, worsening the psoriasis.   If the water is too hot, it can increase itching.


  • Gently patting dry with a soft towel and within 5 minutes cover with a natural moisturizer to help seal in the moisture so that the skin does not get dry.  Petroleum jelly and other ointments works very well because they make the skin softer and seal the skin off so that the moisture is contained longer.  If greasiness is a problem, wear old loose clothes for an hour while it soaks in. Do not use creams because they make the skin more tense because of the ingredients they contain as well as allowing the water in the skin to evaporate more quickly.  Moisture and humidity are good for psoriatic skin.


  • Wearing loose fitting, soft clothing made of natural fabrics such as cotton, linen or even bamboo so that the skin can  breathe and won’t be irritated.  Lighter colors will hide any flaking of the skin.  Avoid wool and synthetic fibers in clothing as well as bleach and fabric softeners when doing the laundry as skin with psoriasis can be sensitive to these.
  • Not smoking.


  • Taking regular ocean swims if you are lucky to live close to the sea.  After your swim, leave your skin damp and let the salt crystals dry on your skin.


  • Ensuring regular daily doses of sunlight taken in short exposures. The vitamin D that sunlight produces in your body is a great healing tool.  The darker your skin, the more sunlight you need.  Just be careful to avoid any risk of sunburn as this could worsen the psoriatic condition.  Consider a safe tanning bed for the winter months if possible or take a vitamin D supplement.


  • Working on your diet.  Alcohol aggravates psoriasis and should be cut out during an outbreak or altogether as it may act as a trigger.  Eat red meat and dairy products in moderation as they contain architectonic acid, a natural inflammatory substance that is believed to make psoriasis sores red and swollen.  In addition, avoid processed meats, spices and pickles and go for a diet that includes: oily fish such as salmon, sardines, trout, tuna and mackerel; plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables such as carrots, apricots, mangoes and green leafy vegetables as they are high in beta carotene, which the body converts into vitamin A, essential for healthy skin; flax, suflower and sesame seeds for omega-3 fatty acids and other benefits for psoriasis; brazil nuts for a rich source of selenium to produce those enzymes that stop the formation of certain leucotrienes, which may worsen psoriasis; cereals, breads and yeast extracts that are fortified with folic acid to correct any deficiency which is sometimes prevalent in those with psoriasis; and finally any food containing zinc (such as shellfish and wholegrain foods) because zinc loss through the skin is thought to occur in those with psoriasis.


  • Cleansing and detoxing your digestive system regularly to eliminate food residues, using one of the teas or internal cleansers available from your local health food store or pharmacy.


  • Working on stress management because stress can play a big part in psoriatic outbreaks.  It is thought that stress hormones may stimulate an already over active immune system, leading to more itching.  Meditation, learning to relax, gentle exercise and yoga are all effective stress relievers.  Some people find listening to classical or any soothing music regularly helps.


  • Exercising frequently as this will help those stress levels and your immune system making you more healthy all round.  Choose the type of exercise that you will find enjoyable to keep up and don’t forget that quick lukewarm shower and moisturizing straight afterwards if you have got at all hot and sweaty.


Along with these suggestions, H-Psoriasisâ„¢ should be topically applied 3 times per day to the condition so that the formula can quickly penetrate the cell membranes to immediately relieve psoriasis symptoms of itching and discomfort before beginning the healing process of repairing the skin.

Click on the box to order “Heal Psoriasis” Oil now

Psoriasis Treatment

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