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When I was a child, especially during the ages of 7 – 12, I suffered with Eczema. Strangely the Eczema was mostly on my face and on my shins. Iwas given tar based ointments by the doctor and one particular ointment actually burnt the skin off my face. It definitely resulted in no more Eczema on my face but I would not recommend it to anyone and I still remember how painful the burn was.

Mum and Dad took my brother, sister and I down the beach nearly every night in summer and also on the weekends so the combination of sun, salt water and fresh air had a positive effect on the Eczema and also on my brother’s Asthma. All three of us (children) were well tanned and obviously the salt water was a huge benefit for any skin problem. By the age of 12 the Eczema had cleared up and I continued the beach lifestyle for many years.

Now that we are more aware of skin cancer due to sun exposure, it makes sense then to try other forms of treatment for eczema and skin problems.

As I said in the article in relation to Psoriasis, the “Heal Psoriasis” oil has made a huge difference to my skin condition and I believe that if you or your child has Eczema then the “Heal Eczema” oil could be of real benefit.

Click on the box to purchase your “Heal Eczema” oil now.

Eczema Treatment

It is important to understand what triggers Eczema and how best to treat the condition. Read on for more information.

Extreme heat and extreme cold (especially when the air is dry) make life more difficult for eczema sufferers.  This skin condition is aggravated by dryness, and moisturization is the key to keeping your skin soft and flexible.

  • Use a moisturizer on your skin every day – preferably a natural one with no artificial ingredients or fragrances and it should be greasy rather than creamy.  Petroleum jelly works well.  Moisturize straight after showering or bathing while the skin is still damp (within 3 minutes to “lock in’ moisture) and add more during the day especially if you are working or living in an air conditioned or heated workplace or home.


  • A daily bath helps to moisturize the skin, using aqueous cream rather than ordinary soap.  The water temperature should not be too hot but rather cool to warm.  Soak for 15 to 20 minutes so that the skin’s outer layer can absorb moisture.  Avoid any excessive scrubbing or rubbing and lightly pat dry until just damp.


  • Scratching can be a huge problem with both adults and children.  Keep busy with activities that involve the hands when itching starts; cut all nails very short; and even cover the hands in mittens.  Unfortunately, scratching the eczema damages the skin, worsens the inflammation and leads to even more intense itching. Scratching can even lead to infections and/or permanent scarring.  Eczema rashes can sometimes completely disappear without treatment if scratching is totally avoided.


  • Some people with allergies find it helps to remove carpets and to give any pets in the home dander treatments. 


  • Histamine is responsible for many of the symptoms of eczema but particularly the itching.  Taking antihistamine just before bedtime can help to ensure a good night’s sleep and cut out any scratching.


  • Taking capsules of Evening Primrose Oil will replace gamma linolenic acid which is thought to be lacking in some who have eczema.


  • Diet can play a role in eczema outbreaks.  Try to  identify food allergies and eliminate those offending foods from your diet.  Eggs, milk, cheese, chocolate, peanuts, soy, potatoes, and the glutens in wheat are common allergenic foods but it will take four to six weeks for the results of any allergen-free diet to be noticeable so patience is required.  The food additive tartrazine can contribute to eczema. Eat fatty fish like salmon, herring and mackerel at least twice a week.


  • Avoid over-the-counter medications that contain benzocaine or antibiotics. Lanolin in skin lotions, cosmetics and cleansers should also be avoided.  Rather use natural skin and make up products.


  • While aerobic exercise is beneficial in treating eczema and other skin ailments, take a cool to warm shower after exercise to wash away sweat.   Avoid any  temperature extremes and any activity that will involve excessive sweating.


  • Use an humidifier in cold or dry weather.


  • The ideal clothing is loose garments made of soft cotton and other natural fibers but NOT wool nor any rough scratchy fibers.  Certain tasks need protective clothing – a mouth mask when cleaning or vacuuming; gloves when handling plants, soil, solvents, detergents or chemicals.

Complete your treatment of eczema by using the specially formulated and 100% natural H-Eczema™.  The formula will  control and treat your condition and is safe and gentle when used by adults and children of all ages.  The topical application often provides immediate relief from the dryness and itching associated with eczema.

Click on the box to purchase your “Heal Eczema” oil now.

Eczema Treatment

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