postheadericon Adding Solar Energy to Your Home

Most people don’t have the budget or the space for a large solar installation, complete with a huge bank of batteries, but most could add little solar touches to help them live a greener life. Large solar panels really aren’t cheaper than traditional power, at least not yet, whereas if you are smart with your purchases you can reduce your energy reliance by taking the many small items in your home off the grid. Manufacturers are flooding the market with new solar powered devices that can seamlessly replace their old plug-in counterparts.

Outdoor lights are a perfect example of something you can replace with solar equivalents. Stop paying for power to run your garden or security lights. Solar panels charge a small battery pack during the day that run low power LED lighting at night. If it rains all day don’t worry, most of these batteries can run lights for a week or more without a fresh charge. Even if it is cloudy for a long period there is nothing to fear- it is doubtful you’d be throwing a late night party outside in poor weather anyway.

More and more we use small devices that run off a USB charger. These chargers have recently come under fire as they often draw power when not in use. This amount may be minimal compared to the larger devices in your home, but multiplied by several phones, gaming devices, tablets and so on it can all add up. This is further increased by millions of people all over the world charging multiple small devices. Fortunately there is a solution available. For around $50 you can purchase a small solar charger that can charge the battery in your smart phone or tablet. There are also many devices available that will charge any size of rechargeable battery. While these devices might not actually save you a lot of money, they are allowing you to contribute.

If you are looking for even more uses of this technology look around your home for any device that could run on batteries. Lamps and radios are good candidates, and there is even a wireless keyboard available that runs on solar panels. These devices can also charge from your indoor lighting, so sunlight is not a requirement. While each device may not use that much power, the total effect can be significant. These items are designed to be very efficient, but you will still need to make sure they get light occasionally.

The result of all these new technologies is that people have ever increasing opportunity to reduce their energy usage. Remember, when purchasing solar technology you are not only reducing you own carbon footprint, you are encouraging companies to do research into creating more efficient panels. Sadly, we have not yet found the “answer” to our environmental problems, but you can make sure you are part of the solution rather than the problem. Integrating green tech into your personal life is one of the best ways to help the environment.

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