Eco Green Facts

Information On Growing A Better Organic Garden
So you want to try your hand at organic gardening? Do you know anything about this type of gardening? Do you know about all of the different kinds of seeds and tools that you can use? If these questions raise more questions than you can answer, try looking at the tips below.
Hose reels are a vital piece of equipment for the organic garden. You can use reels to keep hoses neat and prevent time-wasting tangles. Untangling a hose is possibly the least enjoyable way to spend your gardening time. This hassle is easily avoided by purchasing a reel will rid any unnecessary frustration.
Consider adding ladybugs to your organic garden. These little critters will eat those aphids and mites right up. If you aren’t able to lure a few ladybugs into your garden, you can often find them for sale at small home and garden stores. When you have a few ladybugs, more will often follow.
Avoid chemical fertilizers when gardening, replace them with natural, organic mixtures like compost. Chemical fertilizers will deposit toxins into the soil, which can build up over time and even affect your drinking water. Natural and organic mixtures are safe and won’t cause this toxic buildup.
Make liquid fertilizer from your compost. By adding a little bit of water to the biological decay, you can harvest the nutrient rich concoction and spread it on your plants in an efficient way. By fermenting the compost with about an equal amount of water can give you a great form of liquid fertilizer that will help promote growth without negative side effects or toxic run-off.
Learn to water your garden efficiently. A soaker hose can be laid in the garden and left on with low water pressure. This frees you up from having to hand-water the plants, so you can do other gardening work. Take care with seedlings, though — they are still delicate and need to be watered by hand.
Recycling wood saves money and adds a unique touch to your garden. Use scrap wood to build small garden fences or support structures for plants. Sources include broken tables, chairs, or unused trim pieces from past home improvement projects. Paint the wood to add color and interest to your garden plot.
Plant “cut and come” vegetables. Plants such as loose-leaf lettuce and broccoli will continue to furnish you with a small harvest every week over an extended period of time. Simply pick what you need and let the plant do the rest. The more you pick, the more it will produce!
When you are maintaining acid loving plants mulch your soil with pine needles every fall. As the pine needles decompose over the winter months they will deposit their acid into the soil and give your acid loving botanicals what they need to thrive instead of relying on harsh chemical fertilizers.
Do you now understand what makes organic gardening great? Do you know about seeds and tools and how to use them? If you have an idea of how to answer these questions, then you have read and understood what it takes to become a better and smarter organic gardener.