Posts Tagged ‘fossil fuels’

postheadericon Eco Green Facts is a website dedicated to people wishing to know everything they can about going Green. It is a fact of life that if we want our planet to remain healthy then we need to impliment drastic measures to ensure that happens.

You might say “…but my effort doesn’t even seem worth it”, well my friend you are wrong. If everyone did one small thing a day like recycling their plastic and cans, stopped burning fossil fuels, installed a rain-water tank (even a small one), started using solar energy for power and heating purposes, or deposited rubbish into bins rather than tossing into the environment, that is just a start. Perhaps we can then pressure the governments to limit the use of fossil fuels by the big conglomerate industrial companies and make the companies accountable for the destruction of the environment. By having a united front on this issue, we can make changes and we can lobby to force those conglomerates to change the way they use fossil fuels so that there will be a future for our children and grandchildren.

There has been amazing weather all over the world this year and some may put this down to global warming, climate change or a normal weather pattern cycle. Whatever your thoughts or views,  limiting the amount of carbon or greenhouse gases into the atmosphere must make for a healthier life for not only us but for our world as well. These are the views of, let us know what you think.


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